I-Turbine Shaft H1E HX40 3522880 3592708 Cummins Ehlukahlukene 6CTA
Imodeli | A(MM) | B(MM) | C(MM) | D(MM) | E(MM) | IZIMBALA | Isisindo(KG) |
I-HX40 | 75.946 | 67.056 | 12.319 | 10.9855 | 6.9850 | 12 | 0.44 |

Incazelo Yomkhiqizo
Incazelo:Turbine Shaft Wheel
Imodeli ye-Turbo: H1E/HX40
Ifanele Ingxenye Yezinombolo:
I-HOLSET: 2834019, 3524034, 3524035, 3525039, 3525487, 3525488, 3525711, 3525811, 3526369, 3528497, 78, 78, 78, 3528497, 78, 78, 78, 358497, 78 7878 3528785, 3528786, 3528930, 3529987, 3530629, 3530716, 3531031, 3531665, 3531666, 3531722, 353212 3532154, 3535059, 3535456, 3535457, 3535552, 3535553, 3535554, 3535555, 3535749, 3536358, 3535552 3535553, 3535553 684, 3536685, 3536686, 3536720, 3536866, 3537785, 3537786, 3538100, 3539150, 3539503, 35395075, 35 3590080, 3590081, 3590082, 3590083, 3590947, 3591736, 3594987, 3596359, 3596930, 3596943, 3590947. 888, 3802303, 3802416, 4035466, 4036420, 4038441, 4039265, 4040524, 4042401,
Ilungele Izinhlelo zokusebenza:
1989-10 Perkins Industrial ene-CV8 360G Engine
I-JI Case, i-Cummins Inc ene-6BT, 6CT Engine
1989-10 Cummins Ehlukahlukene nge-6CTA Engine
1989-11 DFM Trucks & XMQ Buses with 6CT Engine
1991- Hino Truck, Bus with K13C Engine
1995-12 Mercedes Benz 1948 Truck, Bus with OM442LA, OM 442LA - E2, OM442LA V8 Engine
2005-09 Ibhasi le-DAF, iloli PR EURO 4
Uma ubheka ukufaka izingxenye ezibalulekile ze-turbocharger yakho, i-Newry turbo iyindawo ephambili yewebhu ukuze uthole okufunayo.Siphatha izinhlobonhlobo zamasondo e-turbocharger shaft shaft yokwenza okuningi namamodeli ahlukene.Kusukela ezinjinini ezinkulu zamaloli kuya ezinjinini zezimoto zabagibeli ezincane, sizoba namasondo omoya owadingayo.Yonke into ekukhathalogi yethu iyisondo eliqondile, elilingana ngqo esikhundleni se-turbo turbine shaft.
Xhumana nathi namuhla uma unemibuzo mayelana noma imikhiqizo noma udinga usizo ekutholeni ingxenye efanele yemoto yakho.Abasebenzi bethu abangochwepheshe bazokuqondisa ohlelweni lokuthenga futhi baqinisekise ukuthi ungakwazi ukufaka esikhundleni sanoma iyiphi ingxenye ye-turbocharger yakho.